Big League Lawns
Big League Lawns in Ogden, UT are the experts you need to build a beautiful lawn. We believe that everything you need for a great lawn starts at the nutrients. That’s why we offer quality fertilizer that’s different from what most lawn care service companies offer. Our nutrients are balanced and help you get the lawn of your dreams. Our lawn care treatments will help you bring your lawn from little league to the big leagues. Stop dealing with brown, ugly lawns. Throughout the year we will use application methods that guarantee the best results for your lawn depending on what’s most advantageous for the current season.
For instance, we will begin the year using liquid applications. When temperatures are cool, we can blanket spray your lawn. This enables us to kill weeds we can’t even see yet. Blanket sprays provide tremendous coverage and get you a fantastic head start heading into summer. When temperatures increase to near 85 degrees there is a risk of burning the lawn when spraying fertilizer at the same rate. As a result, we will switch over to granular fertilizers. This gives you the same amount of nutrients per 1,000 SQ feet, ensuring your lawn stays beautiful and green during the months you play in the yard the most.
We also offer a variety of pest control for your lawns. Are you sick of ants, spiders, and mosquitos? Let us help! We offer high quality mosquito control that will significantly reduce the amount mosquitos found in your lawns. Sick of spiders? Ask about our spider barrier! We’ll keep spiders out and help you maintain a beautiful lawn at the same time. Call Big League Lawns today!